Helga Hauser is an immigrant. In the old country, she was a nurse. But she can’t work as a nurse in the United States, because she does not have the government certification. She and her husband brought all their savings with them to the new country, and they were able to prove that they could support themselves and not be a burden on the public before they were allowed to legally enter the United States as immigrants.
The Hausers invested in rental property. They took inexpensive loans to buy nice houses to rent at reasonable prices to ordinary people. At first everything went well. But then Mr. Hauser got sick and died, leaving behind lots of medical expenses. Meanwhile, the neighborhood in which the rental houses were located became less desirable, and the newer tenants not only did not pay their rent on time, but they also left the houses in a complete mess, once they were evicted. On top of that, even just evicting them is not easy, especially if one of the tenants is pregnant, and the law has all sorts of provisions to prevent landlords from summarily ejecting non-paying tenants. As for collecting the back rent, the law does not make any reasonable provisions. If the tenants are judgment proof, the landlord is out of luck.
Shalee Mortensen Schmidt sings about Helga Hauser’s deplorable predicament in the following song from the musical, The Debt Collector. The recording was mixed and mastered by Rick Long of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Click here to view the embedded video.
Mrs. Hauser is a good woman. She is prim and proper, her hair up in a bun, her clothes ironed and starched. She would never consider doing anything illegal. But she finds herself with a tough choice: go on welfare herself or get a vigilante debt collector to render to her what is owed her.
Click here to view the embedded video.
When collecting rent is outlawed, only outlaws can be landlords.
If you would like to learn more about THE DEBT COLLECTOR, a libertarian musical stage play by Daniel Carter and Aya Katz, read the following synopsis.